Top 10 Weirdest Houses in the world!

Each one of us thinks differently. I want a pretty straight forward house like those at Suntrust Laguna house and lot while my brother wants a condo unit in Manila. You may want a house that is not we're thinking, right? See, we have different wants, different needs, and different minds.

Because people think differently, there are some who build their houses in a nontraditional way. They build it using their weirdest idea and state of mind.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 weirdest houses in the world.

The Bubble house

 It was built by architect Antti Lovag in 1989. It is located in Cannes, France. The house is all about the collection of bubbles shapes along with a lounge, reception room, and 10 suites. It has also a garden, ponds, and pools.

Nautilus House

It was built and designed by Arquitectura Organica’s Javier Senosiain in Mexico City, Mexico. The front of the house features a shell-like colorful wall that reflects a rainbow effect in the living area. The whole interior feels like you’re inside a seashell.

Seashell House

It was built by Architect Eduardo and his wife Raquel in Isla Mujeres, Mexico. The house was made from natural and inorganic materials like seashells and corals. This house does not have any corner and is located on a beach.

Stone House

It was built in 1974 in Casa de Penedo, Portugal from four different huge rocks. It features a fireplace and a swimming pool. But unfortunately, this house is closed for visitors. The owner has hired guards to keep the visitors away.

Errante Guest House

It was built by a local architect named Teper in Puerto Varas, Chile who survived a hurricane. This house may look like it’s going to fall but it is actually designed that way.

Falling Water House

The house was built by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 in Pennsylvania. It costs $155,000. It stands 30 feet over the waterfall which is echoed by flowing water. It features a fireplace in the living room, waxed stone floors low ceiling bedrooms and stairways leading to the stream.

Upside-down House

The Upside-down House is 180-degree inverted house. It was built by Daniel Czapiewski in 1970s in Szymbark, Poland. The house is built on a large stone, features a TV room, toilet a dresser with crystal objects and also the Guinness World Record Holder “World’s Largest Plank”. All the furniture of the house is attached to the ceiling to give the upside-down feeling.

Shoe House

This was built by Colonel Mahlon Nathaniel Haines in 1948 in Pennsylvania, USA. It has three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.  The house is now a tourist attraction place after being passed through many owners.

Toilet-shaped House

The Toilet-shaped house was built by the mayor of Suwon, South Korea, Sim Jae-Duck in 2007 for $1.1million. It was made from steel, concrete, and glass. It features a showcase glass walls, roof-top balcony, and rainwater harvesting technology.

Spaceship House

The Spaceship house was built by Curtis King in 1972 in Signal Mountain, Tennessee at a cost of $250,000. The house features three bedrooms, two baths, a bar and an entertainment area. It is now owned by Signal Mountain and is available for rent for vacations.

Which house do you want to visit now? Or do you have any weird idea of a house design? Share it with us!

Watch the video for more details!

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